another post bout mommy
Another Post About Mommy and Wet Market...
           Remember i asked my mom why she always cook the same dish every week, monday will be tauge, tuesday long bean, wednesday choi sum, thursday green bean, n friday cauliflower; it's like a routine and even we can memorized it. Then my mom said, "if u think it is easy to go market n think of what to cook for u all every week, then next time i'll let u take this responsible, let u see is it really easy onot!"
           Hehee... at tat time, i still think it is an easy job, until now, far away from home, I hav to think what should i cook for lunch n dinner EVERYDAY by myself. It's been a really headache for me, coz i know im a bit choosy... hehe... It's not an easy job to go wet market every week standing in front of the stall for couple hours choosing the freshest vegetable and thinking which dish to cook for the whole family. So, LOV ur mom more!!

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