Let's Heat It Up!
:::Saturday Night Fever:::

Today afternoon, went to watch a musical theatre, Saturday Night Fever, which is the classic story of hope over tragedy with the electric combination of music and dance fusing in Bee Gees' songs and 70's typical dancing movement that we can see in the movie "Grease".
I was wondering why were there so many granny n granpa... but now i know they were there to find back their nostalgic memories...
This theatre i was desperately, dying to watch when i was in M'sia. But the tix was too expensive for me coz i aint got concession for the tix price. Then now my wish is accomplished!! I like Saturday Night Fever coz i like dancing and also BeeGees' songs. My daddy was influenced me too much with their songs. I still can remember when daddy listen to their songs, he started to imitate their vocals..muahahaa...{i know Goh Jek is one of their fans ;) }
I was enjoyed in the whole theatre, the musics, the dances were so great!! Even the main actor is cute too :p ... I was moved by the musics, and i hope someday will become one of the dancers. *dreaming* But first i hav to lose some weight *dreaming again*, hahaa... *_*'''
70s', ppl will think bout punk, fashion, hair styles, Beatles, Abba, Grease... There's hips of things happening on the 70s', New York 's World Trade Centre is completed(not there anymore...), microprocesser and floppy disc are invented, disposable razors are introduced....
Everyone was so joyous and everythin so perfect... fEver...FevEr...feVer...FeveR...